Confetti balloon bouquet


Introducing our Confetti balloon bouquet, crafted with care at our studio in Boca Raton! This festive arrangement features six latex balloons in the color of your choice, topped with a cheerful confetti balloon. At the base, you'll find a small cluster of balloons adorned with the birthday age in small mylar numbers, adding a personal touch. To finish it off, we add playful balloon curls for that extra pop of fun. Perfect for birthdays, this bouquet is sure to brighten up any celebration!

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Introducing our Confetti balloon bouquet, crafted with care at our studio in Boca Raton! This festive arrangement features six latex balloons in the color of your choice, topped with a cheerful confetti balloon. At the base, you'll find a small cluster of balloons adorned with the birthday age in small mylar numbers, adding a personal touch. To finish it off, we add playful balloon curls for that extra pop of fun. Perfect for birthdays, this bouquet is sure to brighten up any celebration!

Introducing our Confetti balloon bouquet, crafted with care at our studio in Boca Raton! This festive arrangement features six latex balloons in the color of your choice, topped with a cheerful confetti balloon. At the base, you'll find a small cluster of balloons adorned with the birthday age in small mylar numbers, adding a personal touch. To finish it off, we add playful balloon curls for that extra pop of fun. Perfect for birthdays, this bouquet is sure to brighten up any celebration!